A standard result in convex
analysis known as
the Separating Hyperplane Theorem (see, e.g., [Ber99, Proposition B.13] or [BV04, Section 2.5.1]) says that if
are two nonempty disjoint convex sets then there exists a hyperplane that
separates them; by this we mean that
is contained in one of the two closed half-spaces created by the hyperplane
is contained in
the other.
The ray
is a convex set, and from the convexity of the terminal cone
it is easy to see that its interior is convex as well. Lemma 4.1 guarantees that
does not intersect the interior of
. Therefore, we can apply the Separating Hyperplane Theorem to conclude the existence of a hyperplane separating
from the interior of
, and hence from
itself.4.3Obviously, this separating hyperplane must pass through the point
which is a common point of
. Such a hyperplane need not be unique.
The normal to the hyperplane is a nonzero vector in
(it is defined up to a constant multiple once we fix the hyperplane). Let us denote this normal vector by
and the separation property is formally written as
In view of the definition (4.26) of
, the
inequality (4.30) simply says that
, as
required by the statement of the maximum principle. This will be
the only use of (4.30). The normal
vector (4.28) will serve as the terminal condition
for the adjoint system, to be defined next.