ECE 417 Home Page

ECE 417

Nonlinear and Adaptive Control

Fall 2003

Instructor: Daniel Liberzon
Office: 144 CSL
Email: liberzon at
Phone: (217) 244-6750

Schedule: Tue Thu 12:00-1:20pm, 169 Everitt Lab.

Office hours: Tue 4-6pm, 144 CSL.

Prerequisite: ECE 415 (Linear Systems) or consent of instructor. Basic knowledge of real analysis (at the level of Math 344) is also expected.

Textbook: P. A. Ioannou, J. Sun, Robust Adaptive Control, Prentice-Hall, 1996. Note: The book is out of print but is downloadable from the author's website (PDF file, 4MB). Selected excerpts will be handed out in class.
Supplementary text: M. Krstic, I. Kanellakopoulos, P. V. Kokotovic, Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design, Wiley, New York, 1995.

Assignments and grading policy: Your grades will be based on homework and final projects. There will be no exams in this course. The presentations of final projects will be held at the time of the official final exam.



Course outline:

1. Introduction: what is adaptive control and what is this course about?
2. Background: stability (Ioannou-Sun, Chapter 3), optimization (Ioannou-Sun, Appendix B).
3. Parameter estimation (Ioannou-Sun, Chapter 4).
4. Parameter identifiers and adaptive observers (Ioannou-Sun, Chapter 5).
5. Model reference adaptive control (Ioannou-Sun, Chapter 6).
6. Adaptive regulation and pole placement (Ioannou-Sun, Chapter 7).
7. Switching adaptive control (materials will be handed out in class).