ECE 415 Home Page

ECE 415: Control System Theory and Design (Fall 2001)

This is a fundamental first-year graduate course on the modern theory of dynamical systems and control. It builds on an introductory undergraduate course in control (such as ECE 386) and emphasizes state-space techniques for the analysis of dynamical systems and the synthesis of control laws meeting given design specifications. Some familiarity with linear algebra, as well as ordinary differential equations, is strongly recommended, although the necessary material will be reviewed in the context of the course.

Schedule: Tue Thu 11:30-12:50, 165 Everitt Lab.

Prerequisite: ECE 386 (Control Systems I) or equivalent.

Instructor: Daniel Liberzon
Office: 144 CSL
Email: liberzon at
Office hours: Tue 2:30-4

Teaching assistant: Craig Janus
Office: 324 Everitt Lab
Office hours: Wed 2:30-4:30, Thu 10-11

Required texts:

Supplementary texts (on reserve in Grainger Library):

Assignments and grading policy: There will be weekly problem sets, one midterm exam (Oct 17, 7-9pm), and one final exam (Dec 12, 1:30-4:30pm). The grade will be composed of homework (30%), midterm (30%), and final (40%).


Brief course outline:

1. Introduction: state space models, review of linear algebra.
2. Analysis: state transition matrix, stability, controllability, observability.
3. Design: state feedback, pole placement, observers, optimal control.

For a more detailed list of topics, see the textbook's contents.